

Strong ozonized oil

Highly regenerating, oxygenating and sanitizing, it can be used not only on the face, but also on the scalp. On the face, it is used as a serum to apply under the specific cream as a strengthening. Ideal as aftershave and to contrast the post-depilation redness. Very useful cosmetic adjuvant, it can be applied in case of skin illness thanks to its strong sanitizing action.

Modalità d'uso: To make face, neck and breasts more oxygenated and smooth, apply daily on perfectly clean and damp skin. For a higher smoothing action: put 6-7 drops of OXOIL in a cotton disk wetted with water and rub on the face, on the more wrinkled areas. The appearance of a little redness is perfectly normal- it will last for about 20 minutes. It is a sign of an higher oxygenation. You can add a few drops of OXOIL to other cosmetics on face and body to strengthen their action.


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